
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8

What We Believe


Gracepoint church is committed to glorifying God, sharing the Gospel, developing spiritually mature Christians and extending God’s Grace to a world in need of hope.


Where there is no vision the people perish … Proverbs 29:18
• To exhibit, embrace and extend God’s Grace to a broken world.
• Doctrinally sound, biblically based sermons with practical application.
• Contemporary style praise and worship.
• Not worship-driven or seeker-sensitive but Grace centered.
• Everyone is accepted, loved to Christ and then Christ changes their lives.
• Stresses the life saving Gospel of Jesus in all ministry areas.
• Developing spiritual leaders through intentional discipleship.
• Inviting atmosphere.
• Impact in the community.

Central Theme

REDEEM – to God (salvation) Evangelism – Acts 1:8
REJOICE – to God’s Glory (praise/adoration) Worship – John 4:23-24
RESTORE – to God & His family (relationship) Fellowship – Acts 2:40-47
REVIVE – to God’s Spirit (spirit-filled life) Discipleship – Mark 1:35
RESPOND – to God’s work (service) Ministry – Rom 12:4-8

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